CCPU Neonatal

Purpose :

The CCPU Neonatal Ultrasound provides accreditation and ongoing certification in clinician performed point of care ultrasound for Australian and New Zealand neonatologists and neonatologists in training.

Eligibility :

The CCPU Neonatal Ultrasound is offered to Fellows of the Royal Australasian College of Physicians (RACP) who are recognised as neonatologists and registrars or fellows in advanced training for accreditation of Neonatal/Perinatal training as determined by RACP.

Enrolling in the CCPU :

  1. Join ASUM as a Member or Clinical Associate
  2. Enrol in the CCPU

Neonatal Syllabi :

Progression through the CCPU in Neonatal Ultrasound


  • If extensive prior experience, consider application for Advanced Standing Recognition. Contact the ASUM office.
  • Complete an ASUM accredited Physics course (ASUM’s online tutorial is part of CCPU enrolment fee)
  • Progress through ‘Introduction’ and ‘Advanced’ Ultrasound requirements as shown below.

Introduction to Clinician Performed Neonatal Ultrasound

  • Receive hospital based training at an ASUM accredited Neonatal Department or attend 2 day ASUM Introduction to Neonatal Ultrasound Course. (see ASUM Meetings)
  • Complete logbook of 50 Cardiac, and 30 Cerebral Ultrasounds, all signed off by accredited supervisor.
  • For details of the ‘Introduction’ curriculum and logbook requirements click here

Advanced Clinician Performed Neonatal Ultrasound

  • Mandatory attendance at 2 day ASUM Advanced Neonatal Ultrasound Course.
  • Complete logbook of 25 Cardiac, 25 Cerebral and 10 Abdominal Ultrasounds, all signed off by accredited supervisor. Logbook may be continuous with “Introduction” logbook.
  • For details of Advanced curriculum and logbook requirements click here

Neonatal Lung Ultrasound

  • From October 2021 expressions of interest are open for enrolment into the new CCPU Neonatal Lung unit. Please email the for more information on the application process.
  • For details on the course and logbook requirements please refer to the syllabus here.

ASUM ratification of award of CCPU

  • CCPU Certification Board reviews recommendations for CCPU and refers to ASUM Council for award


  • Re-certification occurs at five yearly intervals. Prior notice will be issued from ASUM office.

Neonatal Logbooks
